Andreas Kalvos 1792-1867

Biography of the Greek Poet Andreas Kalvos

Greek poet and erudite scholar, a native of Zakynthos. He lived in Italy, France and London where he died. In the age of 13 his parents divorced. His mother married again and Kalvos went with his father and uncle to relocate in Livorno.
Andreas Kalvos finished his studies in Florencewhere he met with Hugo Foskolo. Foskolo helped Kalvos a lot, by providing him with room and board. Later on when Kalvos went to London was hosted again by Foskolos. In London he gave lessons in the Greek and Italian languages and wrote. During this period he wrote two tragedies in Italian, inspired by ancient Greek myths: "Danaides" and "Theramenis". These plays published but their copies lost by in the lapse of time until the professor Lazarus Velelis discovered a copy of Danaides.
Andreas Kalvos got married in London but his English wife died soon in 1821.
When the Greek National Revolution of 1821 burst, the poet went to Nafplio to fight. Eventually he didn't help the nation by fighting but through his poetry. He wrote patriotic odes (published: the first in 1824 and the second -dedicated to General Lafayette- in 1826). His poetry value for lyrical spirit and singularity in versification and language.
In 1827 he went to Corfu, where he initially failed to be appointed in Ionian Academy and decided to follow the profession of private tutor. Later on created a private school. When Gilford ("master of Ionian Academy") died A. Mustoxidis took his place and Kalvos took on the lesson of Philosophy in Academy. Later on he resigned and kept only the job of editor in "Official Newspaper", abandoned poetry and started to write and translate in foreign language essays.
Again he left for London and married once more.
After the death of his second wife he too died, in 1867.
