Robert Thomas(1930-1989)

From early in the 20th century the French Theatre is in its full glory. Until 1948, Thomas doesn't get much attention in theatre biz. In January 28, 1960 the actor and playwright Robert Thomas, became a sleeper. In other words, his play "The Trap" from that point on made the poor and infamous writer a very successful one. This play is considered as one of the hits in "who-dun-it" literature. It's estimated that "The Trap" had done more than 30.000 performances worldwide. 1960 was an important year for Thomas for one more reason: Alfred Hitchcock asked for the play rights because he wanted to produce it for cinema and television.

In 1960 Thoma writes the play: "Eight women accused" and wins the "Okai dew Orfevres" award. In 1962 Darrel Zanuck suggests that he should adapt and direct the plays "Good Soup" and "Potato" of Marcel Asar. In 1964 Robert writes "The second shot" and in 1965 "Co-assassins". In 1966 goes up again with "The Female parrot and the chicken" in 1000 performances in Paris.

1n 1968 the great French comedian Fernadel made his last appearance playing in Thomas' "Fredi". In 1969 Thomas writes the play "Uninvited friends" and in 1970 "Double-game". He then takes charge of theatre "Edward 7th". In 1974 is staged for the first time his play "Mandarin's room" in Theatre des Nouveautes (October 18) with Miselin Bute and Christian Aler in the roles. For television the serial "The astonishing priest" goes for 26 episodes.

Besides his theatre carrier he wrote the scripts for many musical comedies for Annie Corde and Tino Rossi and presented in television most of his plays in the series of Pier Saba.

He died in January 3, 1989 at the age of 59 knowing that there is nothing more seductive for a writer but from making a whole audience having fun.
