Takis Chrisoulis (1946-2011)

Actor, Director, Playwright

Born in Athens-Peireus. He graduated from Drama school of Theatro Tehnis-Karolos Koun. In 1975 took a theatre seminar at the Univercity of Cambridge.



  • Performed at Theatro Tehnis of Karolos Koun for several years in major roles. Among the plays: «Midsummer's Nights Dream», «Babylon», «Birds», «The footpath that goes deep», «Isabel and tree Caravels», «Marula's fortune», directed by Karolos Koun and George Lazanis.
  • Collaborated with the theatre companies of: Agellos Andonopoulos («One thousand Clowns»), G.Georgi, Leonidas Trivizas («Resorters») Thymios Karakatsanis («Basically, my name is Thanasis» - directed by Kostas Bakas).
  • He was for several years a member of Kesariani Theatre group, where he was directed by Nikos Charalambous, Kostas Bakas, Salvat, Mihalis Papanikolaou in major roles like: «Ogre», «A hostage», «Embros na fam' de la patri», «Germa».
  • He participated with Thiasos'81 in the plays: «Wizard of Oz», «Potato boagle's Dream», «Nosytail, fairy-tail», «Patelino's farce», in directions of Nelly Kara, George Remoundos, Victor Ardittis.
  • Establishing member of Popular Athenian Stage. Stared in «The apple below the apple tree», «Cock-feather» in directions of George Remoundos.
  • Establishing member of the group Semeli, played in «Suicide» and «Patelino's Farce» (direction of Nikos Charalambous).
  • From 1989 since 1998 was a member of Hermou Theatre where he played major roles in «A Bear in marriage proposal», «Admirable patcher», «Women duel», «Love and Punishment», «The Inventor», «Arpaston», «Talks and whispers», «The Contract», «Viorn's Lovers», «Room with Mandarins» in directions of George Remoundos and Sotiris Tsongas.
  • In 1999 collaborated again with Kesariani Theatre in the plays: «Nikos Kavvadias, the sea lover» (presented at Byron festival) and «Rigas Velestinlis».
  • 2000 Played the role of Klest in «The Depths» of Gorky at the Theatre Topos Alloo
  • 2001 Establishes the Educational Drama Institute of Greece. He is the Artistic Director until today.
  • He participated in International Festivals with Theatro Tehnis, Kesariani Theatre and Hermou Theatre.

Television Appearances

  • Selectively his television apperances (and sometimes co-productions also, as he was for 8 years a co-produser in broadcasts with L.A.S Ltd.) are: «Conspirasy», «Secret of the red rock», «Fairy tales in the theatre», «Mikrografies». (Directors: Manousos Manousakis, Takis Boulmetis, Christos Paligiannopoulos, Mihalis Papanikolaou, etc.)

Film Credits

  • Participated in the film of Leonidas Vardaros (direction & production): «Oli Emis Efendi» (Theassaloniki's Film Festival).


Participates in radiophonic productions and specially radio-theatre productions several years now. With Educational Drama Institute - Theatromathia he writes and plays in a Radio-show titled "Radio Theatre" broadcasted by Radio station of the Church of Greece.


  • From 1985 he directs primary as second director in National Greek Theatre («Ekavi») and as leading director from thereon he directs many plays in Popular Athenian Stage and Semeli such as «Patelino's farce», «Saloukatan or figures in front of a broken mirror», «Alexander's Sheet», «Birds», and many others.
  • He organised and directed the Theatre Group of Economic University of Athens in «Midsummer's night dream» and «The Birds» and Theatre Group of XINI schools in «Bernarda Alba».
  • Directed his play «Eternal Miracle» for Theatromathia group. (2001-2002).
  • Directed his play "Lysias or For the taught... weak" (2002-2003)
  • Directed also some of his plays for children, introducing a new form of interactive theatre. These plays are: "the moon's trawler in the way of stars", "the Rainbow", and his reasent play "Water joy".


  • Prose: «Lament of Pounente» (1983, Egnatia Publ.Greece), «The rite of blood» (2001)
  • Plays: «Saloukatan or figures in front of a broken mirror» (1990), «The dream of dawn» (play for children), «Rigas Velestinlis Fereos» (historic drama, Dodonis Publ. Nov.1999), «Gypsy's Fairytale» (2000, also adapted for fiction-documentary), «Wraith» (2000), «Up's and down's» (comedy, based on Loukiano's dialogues, 2000), «For the taught... waek» (comedy, based on Lysia's speach: For not giving a pension, 2000), «Eternal Miracle» (Mystery play, 2001), «Moon trawler in the way of stars» (play for children, 2003), «Fotis Kondoglou» (2003), "Love Ring" (play for children, Theatromathia, 2004), "The Rainbow" (paly for children, Theatromathia, 2005), "Orpheus is Alive (Protoporia, Theatromathia, 2005), "Hey, Psit!" (Protoporia-Theatromathia, 2005), "Demeter & Persephone" (Play for children, 2006, Theatromathia), "Water Jow" (Play for children, 2007, Theatromathia).
  • With Thanos Kanousis dramatized Kavvadias' writings for Kesariani's Theatre Production «Nikos Kavvadias the Sea Lover»


  • He taugh acting in Konstandinidis Drama School.
  • Worked for 4 months with gypsie children on acting and improvisation, in a Cultural Program against Racism of Youth Secretariat: «Cultural approach in the hearth of Gypsies»
  • He theach in seminars and workshops (acting, ancient drama, improvisation, educational drama).
  • For 10 years was an appointed member of the critics committee by the Ministry of Education for Panhellenic Students Theatre Contest.
  • 2001 until his death in 2011. He taugh acting and improvisation in the new Drama School Prova of Mary Razi
